Latin 3

Latin 3 Online High School Course


Full Year (30 Sessions)


In this year-long regular-level course, students will continue to study the Latin language and Roman history, mythology, and culture. Over the course of the year, students will finish their study of the fundamentals of Latin grammar with a particular focus on the subjunctive mood. Additionally, students will increase their working Latin vocabulary, cultivate their English vocabulary through Latin derivatives, and consider how ancient civilization informs our modern world through study of Roman society and culture. Students will move at a relatively standard pace through the material and be assessed via homework assignments, projects, and open-resource tests. In preparation for further study in Latin, we will work together to enable you to move beyond simply translating the Latin into English, but rather understanding and engaging in the more complex issues of critical reading. This course will prepare students for advanced study of original Latin texts.

Text: Suburani, an online textbook published by Hands Up Education 


  • Comprehend a wide range of grammar patterns, including all five noun declensions, all four verb conjugations, participles, the subjunctive mood, and all pronouns.

  • Cultivate an extensive working Latin vocabulary with full recognition of principal parts. 

  • Generate language incorporating vocabulary and grammar patterns.

  • Analyze and compare classical cultural and historical practices, customs, events, products, and perspectives. 

  • Read, write, and listen for meaning in Latin.

Enduring Understandings 

  • Communication: Language is the engaged, active, and purposeful exchange of information; it is a constantly evolving tool used for rehearsed (performance) and spontaneous, real-life (proficiency) communication. 

    1. Cultures: Culture and language are inseparable: they influence and reflect each other, shaping how we see ourselves, others, and the world. Language and culture are naturally diverse and give form to the complexity of human creativity. 

    2. Connections: Strategies and skills learned in the language classroom transfer to the acquisition of information across all disciplines. Human-to-human connection is at the center of the most meaningful communication. 

    3. Comparisons: Appreciation for linguistic and cultural differences is fostered with the objectives of finding commonality, embracing difference, and celebrating diversity. 

    4. Communities: The study of language enriches personal, social, and cultural experiences and prepares one to participate more fully as an engaged global citizen. 

    5. Constructs: Language is fundamental to human interaction and cooperation. Therefore, recognize, develop, and utilize patterns of language to understand the way human beings make meaning out of language.


French 1

