Latin 1

latin 1 Online High School Course


Full Year (30 Sessions)


This year-long regular-level course will introduce students to the Latin language and Roman history, mythology, and culture. Students will learn the intricacies of grammar and sentence structure, develop a thorough working Latin vocabulary, cultivate their English vocabulary through Latin derivatives, and begin to understand how ancient civilization informs our modern world through study of Roman society and culture. Students will move at a relatively standard pace through the material and be assessed via homework assignments, creative research mini-projects, and open- resource tests. This fundamental knowledge learned in this course will be the foundation needed for all further study in Latin.


  • Interact with classical literature, including works by Apicus, Horace, Vergil, Ovid, and Procopius.

  • Comprehend a wide range of grammar patterns, including first, second and third declension nouns, first and second conjugation verbs, personal pronouns, relative pronouns, perfect tense conjugations, and third and fourth conjugations.

  • Analyze and compare classical cultural and historical practices, products, and perspectives, through works on the Gallic Wars, Punic Wars, and the Roman Empire.

  • Generate language incorporating basic vocabulary and grammar patterns.

  • Read, write, and listen for meaning in basic Latin.

  • Regularly assess progress in proficiency through quizzes, tests, and speaking/writing submissions.


Latin 2


German 1